test Contactless Measurements
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Page: Technology/Contactless measurements

Contactless optical measurements

OST utilizes optoelectronic and photonic devices in combination with fluidics to develop innovative miniaturized control and measurement systems for industrial and medical applications.



In-line quality control 

Optical and photonic technologies based on LASER and LED devices can meet the most demanding and challenging industrial requirements




  • Medical/Pharmaceutical

  • Food and beverage

  • Automotive

  • Oil and Gas


Industry standard 

Contact-less Optical Measurements benefit of the availability of low cost devices qualified for use in several fields where miniaturization and long lifetime matter: 

Some examples:

  • compliance to AEC-Q101 for automotive
  • bio-compatibility for medical applications
  • MIL specs for aerospace and defense


Download the pdf:        Contactless Measurements [EN]