test Skills
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Our skills


With over 20 years of R&D activity on fiber optic sensors and photonics, OST provides its know-how to develop customized solutions in co-design with the customer using innovative technologies that help maximize the added value of the final product.




We are experts in photonics and optoelectronics , fiber optic sensors and composite materials , lasers, LED sources and photoreceivers, as well as of the electronic design techniques for the use of these devices.

Proper of beam shaping and analysis of free propagation in a given medium, or guided propagation in an optical fiber, allow to exploit the properties of the light to obtain the desired information, by selecting among different measurement techniques the most promising for each application.

We measure with great accuracy the light-material interaction effects, performing in our laboratory absorption, reflection, refraction measurements and spectral analysis of the light.

This allows the design of high-performance devices for quality measurements on the materials, or for detection of displacement, distance, speed, flow, benefiting of contactless techniques, non-invasiveness and miniaturization.

Lab equipment and design tools

The photonics lab of OST is available for the development and testing of innovative measurement solutions. The laboratory is equipped to make feasibility studies and prototypes of optical, optoelectronic and fiber optic devices.

Hardware for optics and electronics

Our laboratory is equipped with a lot of tools and instruments to handle, assemble and test optical, electronic and fiber optic components and devices. It includes:

  • Optical equipment

    • Anti-vibration optical bench
    • Fiber optic fusion splicer
    • Optical spectrum analyzer
    • Optical power meter
    • Reference HeNe laser sources at 633 and 1550 nm
    • Tunable laser
    • ASE optical source
  • Electronic equipment

    • Soldering and reworking station
    • Power supplies and multimeters
    • 4 channels sampling oscilloscope
    • Function generator
  • Rapid prototiping

    • 3D printer

Design and simulation tools


System development is supported by appropriate simulation and design software tools:

  • simulation environment for fiber optic systems

  • electronic PCB design software

  • firmware development IDE

  • mecanical CAD and FEM analysis

  • 3D printing file generator


From the idea to the product

We turn the idea of the customer into a full "proof of concept" system that allows to evaluate the performance of the developed solution.

The development process is divded in phases:

  1. Analysis of a measurement exigency or of a physical phenomenon

    • evaluation the performances of several possible measurement techniques
    • identification of the best technical solution
  2. Feasibility study to verify the compliance of the identified solution with the application requirements

    • development and assembly of a non-engineered test equipment
    • experimental in-lab verification of the expected system performance
  3. Prototyping, for in-field test

    • design and production of prototypes almost fully compliant with the specifications of the final product
    • full in-lab and in-field testing aimed to identification of any possible critical aspect
  4. Industrialization, to prepare the production

    • design optimization
    • cost, quality and performance assessment of the final product

The successful completion of each stage and the evaluation of the cost of the next one, affects the beginning of each successive phase of the project, so to minimize the risk in the investment of the customer.

The entire process of development implies working in co-design with the customer and the involvement, where necessary, of OST partners.



The entire process of development involves working with customers to co-design and the involvement, where necessary, of experts able to provide support on the most complex issues.