test From the idea to the product
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From the idea to the product


OST proposes a complete development path comprising several phases


The stages of development



Starting from the analysis of a measurement exigency or a physical phenomenon, we evaluate the performances of several possible measurement techniques in terms of sensitivity, dynamics, influence of environmental disturbs, etc.

The output of this phase is the identification of the best technical solution and the cost evaluation for the next feasibility phase.



Aims to demonstrate that the identified solution is suitable for the application. The feasibility phase includes the development and assembly of a non-engineered test equipment, for the experimental in-lab verification of the expected system performance.

At the end of this phase, all the project and cost parameters are available, so that it is possible to proceed with the development of the engineered prototype. In case of negative results, the activity ends here.



The design of the prototype is finalized to the real application and it is almost fully compliant with the specifications of the final product. It has therefore all the mechanical and electrical characteristics for a long term in-field test and to be interfaced, if necessary, with other parts of the system.

The engineered prototype is fully tested in lab and in field, so to identify any possible limitation, defect or necessary modification. At the end of the test phase, in general starts the industrialization process.



Based on the project of the final prototype and of its possible modifications following the extensive testing of the divice, the best assembly techniques and the most suitable components to match the cost, quality and performance targets of the product are finally identified.

All these choices depend of course upon the expected volume production.


The successful completion of each stage affects the beginning of the next phase, so to minimize the risk in the investment of the customer.

The entire process of development implies working in co-design with the customer and the involvement, where necessary, of experts able to provide support on the most complex issues.

The entire process of development involves working with customers to co-design and the involvement, where necessary, of experts able to provide support on the most complex issues.